
The college has a well established library which caters to the need of the undergraduate and post graduate students, research scholars and the faculty. The library functions on an open access system for the faculty members and the research scholars. But the students have only a limited access. The library remains open on all working days.

The college library has a collection of about 31000 books. It subscribes to about National international journals in various disciplines of commerce . Services such as lending of books and journals,web library(Online Library 24×7), Audio-Visual Library, Digital Library, Current Desk,fully Automated Issue Return Transaction, reading room, Reprographic facilities and bibliographic reference and information are rendered by the library.

  • Develop user focus, user-centered culture in designing and developing information services
  • Acquire information/knowledge in print as well as non-print resources based purely on general needs of the users
  • Appropriate technology based services to users
  • Develop User Instructional Programs to extend basic information literacy competencies and life-long learning skills
  • Dissemination of information services as a pro-active activity
  • Outreach and Marketing of information services to attract and cultivate knowledge consumers
  • Adopting evaluate tools at regular intervals for improving the efficiency of user services
Library Services
  • Circulation of Books (Issues, Returns and Renewals )
  • Reference Services
  • Web-Library Service
  • Audio-Visual Library Service
  • Digital Library Service
  • OPAC: Online Catalogue Services
  • Reprographic Services
  • SDI: Selective Dissemination of Information
  • CAS: Current awareness service
  • E-Learning and E-Education
  • IIS: Integrated Information Services
  • Query Handling
  • Orientation & Training Programme
  • Current Desk-Job Alerts/Thought for the day/e-Notices/e-Book Exhibition etc.
  • Subject Catalogue- Online & Manual
Library Working Hours

Weekdays: 10.00am to 5.00pm

(Library remains closed on important Holidays as declared by Dr. A.V Baliga College of Commerce.)


Rules governing the use of Dr.A.V.Baliga College Library. It shall be binding on each and every member/user of the Dr.A.V.Baliga Commerce College Library.

Note: –

  • Books must be returned on or before the due date.
  • Over due charges of rupees 1 per day per book will be collected when the books are returned after the due date.
  • Students must maintain perfect silence in the library premises.
  • Students should not stand near the issue counter, unless they are having any specific work in the library.
  • Students must wear the identity card when they enter the library premises.


Mr. Shivanand D Bulla MLISc, M. Phil,(PhD).


Mr. J I Gawadi  C.LIB, B.Com.




Smt. Rekha Shanbhag BLISc


Shri. Kamalakar Shanbhag MLISc.




Shri. Laxmana Gouda



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Mr. Shivanand  D Bulla
Chief Librarian

Dr. A V Baliga College of Commerce & PG Centre

The Library & Information Centre

Librarian: S. D. Bulla MLISc, M.Phil


Tel. No: 08386 222026


Faculty Profile-adequacy and competency of faculty.

The Library is as old as the institution itself. Kanara College Society started Dr. A. V. Baliga College Of Commerce in 1966 to meet the growing needs of business education in North Kanara District. It is the first independent commerce college in the district and second one in the jurisdiction of Karnataka University, Dharwad. There after many colleges have been started. Over the years it had various luminaries such as Shri. G. K. Bhat on its staff. As per the university guidelines Commerce is the single faculty college. Again in 1998 when Karnataka University introduced BBA Course our college also started BBA to provide management education and there after the college introduced Master Degree in Commerce.

The faculty fulfills the eligibility conditions. The department has adequate and competent faculty.

Name of the LibrarianDesignationQualificationResearch experienceExperience
1) Mr. Shivanand D. BullaChief  Librarian M.L.I.Sc & M.Phil, (Ph.D)02 years08 years
2)Shri Janu I GavdiAsst. LibrarianB.Com., C.Lib31 Years
3)Smt. Rekha ShanbhagAsst.  LibrarianBA, B.Lib13 Years
4) Kamalakar ShanbhagAsst.  LibrarianB.Lib, M.L.I.Sc 7 Years
5)Narmada N Bhat GollaAsst.  LibrarianBA, C.Lib, B.Lib 1 Years


  • Student profile-entry level competencies, socio-economic status, language proficiency etc.
  • Changes made in the courses or programmes during the past two years and the contribution of the faculty to those changes.
  • Trends in the success and dropout rates of students during past two years.
  • Learning resources of the department.
  • Modern teaching methods practiced and use of ICT in teaching learning.
  • Participation of teachers in academic and personal counseling of students.
  • Details of faculty development programmes and teachers who have been benefited during the past two years.


Name of the FacultyNo. of Orientation /Refresher coursesNo.  of  Seminars / WorkshopsNo. of Conferences
Mr. Shivanand D. Bulla               02


Participation / Contribution of teachers to the academic activities including teaching, consultancy and research.

Sl. No.


ArticlesEditor Minor research projects
1Shri. Shivanand D. Bulla



Consultancy :Collaboration with other departments/institutions, at the State, National and International levels, and their outcome during the past two years.

Priority areas for research and details of the ongoing projects, important and noteworthy publications of the faculty, during past two years.

  • Ph.D work is in progress. The topic of the research is “Library Websites of Degree Colleges affiliated to Karnatak University Dharwad: An Analytical Study”. “Karnatak University Dharwad”.

Placement record of the past students and the contribution of the department to aid student placement.

Plan of action of the department for the next five years.

Plans to organize

  • Planned to conduct one National Level Seminar on Web Based Library Services.
  • Planned to develop institutional Repository of research projects.
  • Planned to implement RFID  Technology.